so last weak i was not feeling good: i went to a frends house and felt like i was going to feint: he sed [John are you alrite]: I sed [i dont no wat is wrong i feel like im going to fall down]: he sed [you nede to see a doctor]: i sed [i can treet myself]: he sed [how are you going to do that]: i went home and lockd the trailer door: then i grabbd a bucket and a nife: i rememberd hearing about how a long time ago the doctors used to blede the pashence in order to get them better: i no that the problem is usualy in the blood so i desided to blede some of the bad blood out: i cut my arms and blood started going all over: i started howling like a wolf and lookd at my wolf paintings: i had my arms over the bucket and it started to fill up: then i wrappd shirts around my arms to stop the bleding: i went to slepe for a wile and wen i woke up the next morning i was feeling better than i had for months:
resently i started driving a skool bus in the afternoon: dug is the bus poleeseman and makes sure everywon is behaving and listening to me wen i talk over the speaker: sum of the things i will say our [everywon sit down we are getting reddy to leave the skool]: also [pleese be reddy at yore stop i dont have time for wating for you]: i also play acdc and kiss thru the speakers: the kids have told me that they like the music and they are glad i am the bus driver:
the other day after i pickd the kids up from the skool i sed [today you are going to be late geting home becaus i have enterd this bus in a race]: the kids started cheering and we went to the track: wen i got there the other buses were lined up and the guy in the red bus sed [yore going down]: i sed [you will never race agen]: so we started to race and i qwikly got up near the front: me and the red bus were next to each other and he pulld out a nife and thru it thru his door at me: i sed [yore time has come] and i rammd my bus agenst his: dug got this pic: his bus went out of control and crashd and then we sped up faster and i won the race:
a hour went by and nothing hapend with the ditch so me dug and trevor jr. went to look at it but water was everywear because of the ditch being filled to much and we coodnt get close: we ran back to the trayler park and activated the emerjency sirens: i got on the loudspeaker and sed [everywon this is a emerjency we nede to get out of the trayler park or we will not make it]: after leeving the emerjency room i saw big waves of water coming from the direction of the ditch: everywon ran and made it to higher ground in time: this is a pic of the traylers getting washd away:
after the traylers got washd away i got very mad and started yelling: dug sed [wat are you going to do John]: i sed [it is time to take this strate to the top]: i got onto my motorsycle and sped up qwikly: i drove downtown and jump off a parking deck into city hall and landed in the mayers office "my frend jared got this pic": the mayer didnt no wat to do: i grabbd him by his coller and sed [you are going to send divers down to fix that ditch or i will thro you out this bilding]: he got on the phone and calld the poleese for divers and told them wear the ditch was: i got back on my motorsycle and drove down the stairs to the street: forchunately the ditch is fixd now and the trailer park has dryed:
last nite i got home from a party and this cat was waiting on a chair: i sed [wat are you doing hear]: it hissd and then i went to the kichen and grabbd sum olives: i thru them onto the chare and the cat started eating them: it lookd at me and tilted its hed and winkd: after that the cat left: i sat down in the chair and watchd sum actchin movies: about 2 hours later i herd scratching on the door and went out and saw the same cat: it was looking thru the glass door at me: i hissd at it and it ran away: i herd it early tonite but then it left:
today i also got another dog "i have 3 dogs now": i have 2 rotwilers so i wanted to get another kind of dog: i got this dog and his name is zackary: he is a puppy but he will always look this way: so far he is geting along fine with the rotwilers and all 3 were even tearing a ded squirel apart this morning: zackary has ben watching tv a lot with me today: i have alredy traind him to bring me my pak of cigarets and my jacket: i think i will take him to sum partees with my rotwilers this weakend:
i hope its going good for you: i will talk to you soon:
John Simmons