Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Update on my life

hey everywon this is John Simmons:  i no its ben a long time but a lots ben going on in my life:  anyway this is what has ben hapening lately:

so about 2 weaks ago i was feeling tired and it went on for many days:  i talkd to my frend daren and he sed {John you nede to visit a frend of mine:  his name is richard and he can help you get to feeling beter and be yoreself agen:}  i found out that richard lives a couple of traylers down but i never see him becaus he is always medatating:  i went to see richard and took this pic as i walkd in:  he sed {i can alredy see that yore sole is tired: you need rejuvinashen}:  he told me to hang out with his frend for the weakend and gave me his number:

the next nite i met up with zackary at a bar "this pic was shot wen he walkd in" and we drank and talkd about all the women we have had:  zackary then sed {John do you want to race:}  i sed {yes}:

my frend dug took this pic of me and zackary racing:  zackary started talking trash and sed {i will run you off the rode and beet you that way}:  he then started swerving at me and tryd to nock me off the rode:  i dodjed him and yelled {its time to die}:  i sped up and then did a slide in front of him and tripd his bike:  he went off the bike and into sum bushes:  then his motorcycle hit a wall and blew up:

zackary was alive "i had pland to only hurt him and teech him a leson":  i went over to where he was on the ground:  he was moning and saying he broke his leg:  i lookd down at him and sed {you make me sick}:  then i left:

i went to another bar and started talking to sum women:  i was at the bar and then i herd sumwon say {i no who you are you are John Simmons}:  i sed {yes}:  she sed {ive herd a lot about you and ive seen you riding your motorcycle around:  all the women i no want to be with you}:  we went back to my plase and went to bed "i got this pic wen we were talking about the stunts shes seen me do on my motorcycle":

at about 2 in the morning i got a call and it was my frend rick:  he sed {John im in sum troubel:  i got arested for spitting off the roof of the bar on sum peopel:  sum of my spit had blood in it:  i cant make bale can you bale me out and ill repay you}:  i sed {alrite}:  me and dug went down to the jale and baled him out:  dug got this pic wen rick was sitting behind the glass:

the next day i woke up and herd wining:  i lookd around but didnt see anywon:  then i lookd out the window and saw a small weerd man who was orenj:  i took this pic and then pulled out my nife:  i kickd open the window and ran after him:  he disapeard into won of the traylers and i havent seen him sense:

last nite i was asleep in bed and i herd sumwon brake open a window and sumwon saying {qwik take it we dont have much time}:  i got out of bed and crept toward the room they were in:  wen i got into the gest bedroom i saw that the invaders had just left:  they had taken won of my favorit peeces "it is the statchu in the pic above":  i had ben given it in wen i was a boy and visitors to my plase had always sed that it shood be in a museum:  i no it is won of a kind :  i ran outside and saw that they threw the statchu agenst a tree and broke it:  i dropd to my nees and yelld loud in a deep voice like a demon: 

i new that richard and zackary had destroyd my statchu so i desided to take revenj:  i ran to richards trayler and started banging the sides with my fist and then i punchd his windows out:  richard started yelling {im sorry John:  im sorry dont hurt us}:  then i herd them run out the other side:  i didnt bother trying to catch them:  i got into richards car and hotwired it: then i backd up and drove full spede into his trayler "i jumpd and rolld at the last second":  the trayler and the car blew up and i walkd away:

well thats wat has ben going on in my life:  i hope your doing good: ill talk to you soon:

John Simmons

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