Sunday, December 15, 2013

Desember update

Hey everyon this is John Simmons: well its desember and its ben a long year and lots has ben going on: i wanted to let you no what has ben happening in my life lately:

so i got my christmas tree up last weak and i got into bed to watch spede channel and talk to women on webcam: well i herd a shaking sound in the other room "like ratling" and so i grabbed my sord and yelld [whos there]: i herd the shaking agen so i jumpd into the room and flickd the lites on: well it was the tree and i circled it and sed [get out or prepare to die]: then i saw the eyes of my cat and sed [kevin get out of the tree]: kevin just sat there and i took this pic: then i pickd him up and told him [you cant mess up the tree becaus the women like it]: kevin has not gotten in the tree sense:

the other nite i was in won of the chatrooms i adminaster and we were all talking on our mics: i started talking about how illinoy is cold rite now becaus it is winter: then a woman got on with a deep gravely voice "like a demen" and sed [the time has come to blede and die]: i new this mite be a demen and sed [who is this]: she sed [call me vulkar]: i sed [post yore pic]: my screne started to flickr and then this pic appeard: i qwikly saved it and printed it and then i burnd the pic with garlic: she has not ben back into chat sense then: everywon in the room thankd me and sed they were glad im on chat:

Me and my frend dug resently got a backyard wrestling leeg going in my nayborhood: rite now we have 25 wreslers sined up and we have been getting good crowds at the matches: we have hot women who dance betwene the matches: this is a match that took place the other day: it shows the wreslers strong steve and dethstalker: in this pic strong steve is slamming dethstalker into the tabel: i was the refaree for this match and dug took pics: sum local stayshens have ben calling me about putting it on tv: im thinking by the begining of 2014 we will have a wrestling show on tv: i am going to call it [wrestle nite with John] and we will also put dvds and shirts out:

me and my frends like to do karayokee:  it has ben very cold out "its winter in illinoy" so i desided to try something diferent: i have had a lot of junk piled up in my backyard and desided we could burn it to keep warm and sing in front of the fire and that it would look good: this is a pic of me doing a song by acdc calld [hiway to hell]: it is won of my favorit songs and im glad i sang it becaus the fire in the backround makes it look like im in hell: dug even got a video of this so wen i go to the bars i have them put it on the tv and everywon gets up and dances:

this is a pic of sum of the women who were dancing to my video of [hiway to hell] by acdc: after it was over they came up to me and askd for autografs and wanted to no what i was doing for the rest of the night: i sed that three could come back to my place but thats all i have room for rite now becaus i am remodling:

i resently put a roket launcher on a motorcycle of mine for extra proteckshun: i have taken it out to drive a couple of times and hit sum trees with rockets and they have exploded: the other nite my frend dave told me that he had a trayler that he didnt want anymore and sed that everywon wanted me to blow it up with the rocket launcher on my motorcyle: i calld dug and sed [get your camera becaus i am going to destroy this trayler and we will want to take the pics and the videos to the bars and put them online]: dug sed [that sounds good John]: dug got this pic of me on my way wen i fired a rocket at a sign on the side of the rode:

dug got this pic of people as i rolled into the trayler park: i herd sumwon yell [hell on wheels]: i yelld back [hell yeah]:

so i circled thru the trayler park and then got on my mic and sed [everywon stay back: im going to blast this trayler to hell]: i then sed [can i get a hell yeah]: everywon yelld [hell yeah]: this is the trayler right after the rocket went thru the window: after we all watchd it burn sumwon sed [you should be a poleese officer: you make me feel safe]: i herd lots of people say [yes i agree]:  also i had lots of women ask me to sine autografs and get a pic with me:

well this is what has ben happening with me: i hope its good for you and i will talk to you soon:

John Simmons

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